Livvy rants about…Rabbits

Hey everyone! I know I basically vanished a few weeks ago and it sucked, but real life got in the way and kicked me in the face a couple times. But I’m back now as I try to wrap up the insanity that came my way and hope to return to a normal posting schedule again.

Speaking of posts I’m going to start a series that will be done (probably) at random called “Livvy Rants…” Since I’m back now and I just tried a rabbit for the very first time the other day and was INCREDIBLY underwhelmed and unimpressed by it, I decided I would rant about it. And yes, I know that everyone is different and toys are not a one size fits all kind of thing. I fully expected that.

What I didn’t expect was the awful smell when I pulled it out of the plastic packaging it came in. I had to really do some looking, although the website I got it from (won in a contest mind you) said it was body safe TPE. Once I let it air out and washed it really well the smell was gone, but initially I was kinda grossed out. Annoying, but easy enough to deal with if you know a little bit about your toys. It was still enough to make me mildly cranky.

I also didn’t anticipate having to push the little beads back up into their section because several of them had gravitated downward towards the motor in shipment. My partner also pushed them back up after we used it the first time. Is this a common thing? It feels like it would be  a safety issue if they managed to get down into the motor.

Also, that motor…ish. Under powered and incredibly loud to the point of being distracting. It was the single largest turnoff to using the toy. I got one OK orgasm out of it before the noise got to be entirely too much for me to deal with.

So yeah..rabbits don’t seem to be my thing and after a disappointing experience with my first one, I think this is one train that I’ll just hop right off of and let pass me by. For those of you that love them and swear by them, good for you, enjoy them. I’m going to cannibalize the bullet out of mine (the good part!) and find other toys that I love. Which means more reviews!! Hooray! Check back to see what I think about the DIY Figure 8 Cuffs from KinkCraft just as soon as I recover from a minor wrist injury that will let me photograph these beauties like they deserve.

Until my next rant…



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